Welcome to CCLaBonteCreations!
I am so glad to be doing this. If anyone knows me they already know how much this would mean to me!!!
First things first!!! I would Love to start out by saying a great big Thank You and you mean the world to me... to the man I owe my life to right now. Greg Harty
I am at a point in my life where I can't be afraid to start. I can't just do it tomorrow, if I'm going to do anything it must be right now. And this goes for everything I want to do.
What makes it so scary is there is no blueprint on where to start. What is the point I want to make? And where is it going to go.
Right now I can't even get my pictures the right side up, my thumbnails are never the right size and I rarely make any sales. But this isn't even the hard part,
these are all things that will come with time.
So Here Goes.
1. What can I bring to my customers that noone else can?
2. What skills do I have that will make my product better than the compotision?
3. What can I repetitively do that will keep me in business.
As I work on these questions for my self I want my readers to ask themselves what are you afraid of and what can you start right now that you have been putting off.